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Hope to quit
發表發表於: 星期六 十月 17, 2015 3:47 pm    文章標題: 尋找過去,或現在有自殘傾向的朋友



我的展覽方式是這樣 - 如果你有自殘的傾向,而正在戒掉這個習慣(或是有想要戒掉的念頭),我希望你寫一封匿名信給我,跟我分享你的故事 - 你為什麼開始自殘?你為什麼想要戒掉這個習慣?為什麼這個習慣是難戒掉的?希望你的來信中可以著名日期,你的年齡,你的假名/暱稱(或是你的名字也很歡迎)。然後信裡也請附上你習慣使用的那個工具(希望你可以小心的包裝,以確保郵寄安全)。你的信還有你過去使用的工具拍成照片會被拍攝正照片,我會將這些照片寄給你當做你的一段回憶。而這些照片也是這次展覽的主要部分。






I am a 24-year old Finnish artist and ex self-harmer who is currently making a photo project trying to expand peoples knowledge on self-harm and at the same time hopefully help self-harmers.

Here's how it works; if you are a self-harmer who feel ready to try to quit (or take another step towards it), then you would write an anonymous letter telling your story focusing on why you hurt yourself, why you want to quit and why it's hard to quit self-harm. Mention the date you wrote the letter, your age and sign it with a pseudonym (or your first name if you want). Then take your tool you hurt yourself with, wrap it safely (so it can be handled by the post and opened by me) and send it to my adress. I will take photos of your letter and self-harm-tool, document them as a whole and send you the photos as a memory of your journey and struggle. Hopefully it will help you quit or come closer towards it.

If this sounds interesting send a message to this account and my translator will give you the rest of the details.

I'm planning an exhibition in Helsinki, Finland in around 2 years time. The exhibition aims at giving people with no experience or knowledge of self-harm an insight in the depth of this issue, and for other self-harmers to find story to identify with.

At the moment I've received letters from Europe and USA, I'm hoping to be able to show that this is a global problem, why letters from Taiwan would be important.

Thank you for your time!

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